'use strict';
const provided = require('../utils/provided.js');
const calc = require('../utils/calc.js');
* GTFS Stop Class
* @see {@link Stop}
* @module gtfs/Stop
* GTFS Stop
* ---------
* Representation of the GTFS Stop definition.
* GTFS Required Fields:
* - GTFS Stop ID
* - Stop Name (RT display_name when present otherwise GTFS stop_name)
* - GTFS Stop Lat
* - GTFS Stop Lon
* GTFS Optional Fields:
* - GTFS Stop Code
* - GTFS Stop Description
* - GTFS Zone ID
* - GTFS Stop URL
* - GTFS Location Type
* - GTFS Parent Station
* - GTFS Stop Timezone
* - GTFS Wheelchair Boarding
* Right Track Fields:
* - RT Status ID
* - RT Transfer Weight
* **Module:** {@link module:gtfs/Stop|gtfs/Stop}
* @see {@link https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/stops-file|GTFS Spec}
* @class
* @alias Stop
class Stop {
* GTFS Stop Constructor
* @constructor
* @param {string} id Stop ID
* @param {string} name Stop Name
* @param {number} lat Stop Latitude
* @param {number} lon Stop Longitude
* @param {Object} [optional] Optional Arguments
* @param {string} [optional.code] Stop Code
* @param {string} [optional.description] Stop Description
* @param {string} [optional.zoneId] Stop Zone ID
* @param {string} [optional.url] Stop Website URL
* @param {int} [optional.locationType=0] Stop Location Type
* @param {string} [optional.parentStation] Stop Parent Station
* @param {string} [optional.timezone] Stop Timezone Code
* @param {int} [optional.wheelchairBoarding=0] Stop Wheelchair Boarding
* @param {string} [optional.statusId='-1'] Right Track Stop Status ID
* @param {int} [optional.transferWeight=1] Right Track Stop Transfer Weight
constructor(id, name, lat, lon, optional={}) {
* The unique ID representing the Stop
* @type {string}
this.id = id;
* The name of the Stop
* @type {string}
this.name = name;
* The latitude of the Stop (WGS 84)
* @type {number}
this.lat = lat;
* The longitude of the Stop (WGS 84)
* @type {number}
this.lon = lon;
* Stop Code - short text or number that can publicly be used to
* identify the Stop
* @type {string}
this.code = provided(optional.code);
* A description of the Stop
* @type {string}
this.description = provided(optional.description);
* The fare zone of the Stop (used by the fare rules table)
* @type {string}
this.zoneId = provided(optional.zoneId);
* The fully-qualified, escaped URL of the Stop's web page
* @type {string}
this.url = provided(optional.url);
* Stop location type (stop, station, or station entrance/exit)
* @type {int}
* @default 0
this.locationType = provided(optional.locationType, Stop.LOCATION_TYPE_STOP);
* Stop ID of Parent Station
* @type {string}
this.parentStation = provided(optional.parentStation);
* The timezone code for the Stop
* @type {string}
this.timezone = provided(optional.timezone);
* Value indicating whether wheelchair boardings are possible for the Stop
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
this.wheelchairBoarding = provided(optional.wheelchairBoarding, Stop.WHEELCHAIR_BOARDING_UNKNOWN);
* The Stop's ID used for real-time status information
* @type {string}
* @default -1
this.statusId = provided(optional.statusId, '-1');
* A value indicating the Stop's likely transfer-availability. A Stop
* with a higher transfer weight will likely be more suitable as a transfer
* Stop than one with a lower transfer weight.
* @type {Number}
* @default 1
this.transferWeight = provided(optional.transferWeight, 1);
* The distance (in miles) from the location set by setDistance()
* @type {undefined|number}
this.distance = undefined;
* Set the Stop's distance property to the distance from the specified
* location.
* @param {number} lat Location's latitude (decimal degrees)
* @param {number} lon Location's longitude (decimal degrees)
setDistance(lat, lon) {
this.distance = calc.distance(this.lat, this.lon, lat, lon);
// ==== STOP LOCATION TYPES ==== //
* Location Type: Stop - passengers board or disembark from a transit vehicle
* @const {number}
* @default 0
* Location Type: Station - physical structure or area that contains one or more Stops
* @const {number}
* @default
* Location Type: Station Entrance/Exit - location where passengers enter or exit a Station
* @const {number}
* @default
* Wheelchair Boarding: info unknown
* @const {number}
* @default 0
* Wheelchair Boarding: possible
* @const {number}
* @default
* Wheelchair Boarding: impossible
* @const {number}
* @default
// ==== SORT FUNCTIONS ==== //
* Sort Stops by ID (ascending)
* @param {Stop} a first Stop
* @param {Stop} b second Stop
* @return {number} compare integer
Stop.sortById = function(a, b) {
if ( a.id < b.id ) {
return -1;
else if ( a.id > b.id ) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
* Sort Stops by Name (ascending)
* @param {Stop} a first Stop
* @param {Stop} b second Stop
* @returns {number} compare integer
Stop.sortByName = function(a, b) {
if ( a.name < b.name ) {
return -1;
else if ( a.name > b.name ) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
* Sort Stops by Transfer Weight (descending)
* @param {Stop} a first Stop
* @param {Stop} b second Stop
* @returns {number} compare integer
Stop.sortByTransferWeight = function(a, b) {
if ( a.transferWeight > b.transferWeight ) {
return -1;
else if ( a.transferWeight < b.transferWeight ) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
* Sort Stops by Distance (if set)
* @param {Stop} a first Stop
* @param {Stop} b second Stop
* @returns {number} compare integer
Stop.sortByDistance = function(a, b) {
if ( a.distance !== undefined && b.distance !== undefined ) {
if ( a.distance < b.distance ) {
return -1;
else if ( a.distance > b.distance ) {
return 1;
return 0;
module.exports = Stop;