'use strict';

 * ### StopTime Query Functions
 * These functions query the `gtfs_stop_times` table in the Right Track Database.
 * @module query/stoptimes

const cache = require('memory-cache');
const Stop = require('../gtfs/Stop.js');
const StopTime = require('../gtfs/StopTime.js');

// ==== QUERY FUNCTIONS ==== //

 * Get the list of StopTimes for the specified Trip
 * from the passed database (sorted by stop sequence)
 * @param {RightTrackDB} db The Right Track DB to query
 * @param {string} tripId Trip ID
 * @param {int} date The date (yyyymmdd) the trip operates on
 * @param {function} callback Callback function
 * @param {Error} callback.error Database Query Error
 * @param {StopTime[]} [callback.stoptimes] The selected StopTimes
function getStopTimesByTrip(db, tripId, date, callback) {

  // Check Cache for StopTimes
  let cacheKey = db.id + "-" + tripId + "-" + date;
  let cache = cache_stoptimesByTrip.get(cacheKey);
  if ( cache !== null ) {
    return callback(null, cache);

  // Build the select statement
  let select = "SELECT " +
    "gtfs_stop_times.arrival_time, departure_time, stop_sequence, pickup_type, drop_off_type, stop_headsign, shape_dist_traveled, timepoint, " +
    "gtfs_stops.stop_id, stop_name, stop_desc, stop_lat, stop_lon, stop_url, " +
    "gtfs_stops.zone_id AS gtfs_zone_id, stop_code, wheelchair_boarding, location_type, parent_station, stop_timezone, " +
    "rt_stops_extra.status_id, display_name, transfer_weight, rt_stops_extra.zone_id AS rt_zone_id " +
    "FROM gtfs_stop_times " +
    "INNER JOIN gtfs_stops ON gtfs_stop_times.stop_id=gtfs_stops.stop_id " +
    "INNER JOIN rt_stops_extra ON gtfs_stops.stop_id=rt_stops_extra.stop_id " +
    "WHERE gtfs_stop_times.trip_id='" + tripId + "' " +
    "ORDER BY gtfs_stop_times.stop_sequence; ";

  // Query the database
  db.select(select, function(err, results) {

    // Database Query Error
    if ( err ) {
      return callback(err);

    // List of StopTimes to return
    let rtn = [];

    // Parse each row of the results...
    for ( let i = 0; i < results.length; i++ ) {
      let row = results[i];

      // Use the stop_name by default unless display_name is set
      let stop_name = row.stop_name;
      if ( row.display_name !== undefined && row.display_name !== null && row.display_name !== "" ) {
        stop_name = row.display_name;

      // Get zone_id from rt_stops_extra if not defined if gtfs_stops
      let zone_id = row.gtfs_zone_id;
      if ( zone_id === null || zone_id === undefined ) {
        zone_id = row.rt_zone_id;

      // Build Stop
      let stop = new Stop(
          code: row.stop_code,
          description: row.stop_desc,
          zoneId: zone_id,
          url: row.stop_url,
          locationType: row.location_type,
          parentStation: row.parent_station,
          timezone: row.stop_timezone,
          wheelchairBoarding: row.wheelchair_boarding,
          statusId: row.status_id,
          transferWeight: row.transfer_weight

      // Build StopTime
      let stopTime = new StopTime(
          headsign: row.stop_headsign,
          pickupType: row.pickup_type,
          dropOffType: row.drop_off_type,
          shapeDistanceTraveled: row.shape_dist_traveled,
          timepoint: row.timepoint,
          date: date

      // Add stoptime to list

    // Add StopTimes to cache
    cache_stoptimesByTrip.put(cacheKey, rtn);

    // Return the StopTimes with the callback
    return callback(null, rtn);



 * Get the StopTime for the specified Trip and the
 * specified Stop from the passed database
 * @param {RightTrackDB} db The Right Track DB to query
 * @param {string} tripId Trip ID
 * @param {string} stopId Stop ID
 * @param {int} date The date (yyyymmdd) the the Trip operates on
 * @param {function} callback Callback function
 * @param {Error} callback.error Database Query Error
 * @param {StopTime} [callback.stoptime] The selected StopTime
function getStopTimeByTripStop(db, tripId, stopId, date, callback) {

  // Cache Cache for StopTimes
  let cacheKey = db.id + "-" + tripId + "-" + stopId + "-" + date;
  let cache = cache_stoptimesByTripStop.get(cacheKey);
  if ( cache !== null ) {
    return callback(null, cache);

  // Build the select statement
  let select = "SELECT " +
    "gtfs_stop_times.arrival_time, departure_time, stop_sequence, pickup_type, drop_off_type, stop_headsign, shape_dist_traveled, timepoint, " +
    "gtfs_stops.stop_id, stop_name, stop_desc, stop_lat, stop_lon, stop_url, " +
    "gtfs_stops.zone_id AS gtfs_zone_id, stop_code, wheelchair_boarding, location_type, parent_station, stop_timezone, " +
    "rt_stops_extra.status_id, display_name, transfer_weight, rt_stops_extra.zone_id AS rt_zone_id " +
    "FROM gtfs_stop_times " +
    "INNER JOIN gtfs_stops ON gtfs_stop_times.stop_id=gtfs_stops.stop_id " +
    "INNER JOIN rt_stops_extra ON gtfs_stops.stop_id=rt_stops_extra.stop_id " +
    "WHERE gtfs_stop_times.trip_id='" + tripId + "' " +
    "AND gtfs_stop_times.stop_id='" + stopId + "';";

  // Query the database
  db.get(select, function(err, result) {

    // Database Query Error
    if ( err ) {
      return callback(err);

    // Stop Not Found
    if ( result === undefined ) {
      return callback(null, undefined);

    // Use the stop_name by default unless display_name is set
    let stop_name = result.stop_name;
    if ( result.display_name !== undefined && result.display_name !== null && result.display_name !== "" ) {
      stop_name = result.display_name;

    // Get zone_id from rt_stops_extra if not defined if gtfs_stops
    let zone_id = result.gtfs_zone_id;
    if ( zone_id === null || zone_id === undefined ) {
      zone_id = result.rt_zone_id;

    // Build Stop
    let stop = new Stop(
        code: result.stop_code,
        description: result.stop_desc,
        zoneId: zone_id,
        url: result.stop_url,
        locationType: result.location_type,
        parentStation: result.parent_station,
        timezone: result.stop_timezone,
        wheelchairBoarding: result.wheelchair_boarding,
        statusId: result.status_id,
        transferWeight: result.transfer_weight

    // Build StopTime
    let stopTime = new StopTime(
        headsign: result.stop_headsign,
        pickupType: result.pickup_type,
        dropOffType: result.drop_off_type,
        shapeDistanceTraveled: result.shape_dist_traveled,
        timepoint: result.timepoint,
        date: date

    // Add StopTimes to Cache
    cache_stoptimesByTripStop.put(cacheKey, stopTime);

    // Return the StopTimes with the callback
    return callback(null, stopTime);



// ==== SETUP CACHES ==== //
let cache_stoptimesByTrip = new cache.Cache();
let cache_stoptimesByTripStop = new cache.Cache();

 * Clear the StopTimesTable caches
 * @private
function clearCache() {

// Export Functions
module.exports = {
  getStopTimesByTrip: getStopTimesByTrip,
  getStopTimeByTripStop: getStopTimeByTripStop,
  clearCache: clearCache