'use strict';

 * ### Trip Query Functions
 * These functions query the `gtfs_trips` table in the Right Track Database.
 * @module query/trips

const cache = require('memory-cache');
const Agency = require('../gtfs/Agency.js');
const Route = require('../gtfs/Route.js');
const Stop = require('../gtfs/Stop.js');
const StopTime = require('../gtfs/StopTime.js');
const Trip = require('../gtfs/Trip.js');
const DateTime = require('../utils/DateTime.js');
const CalendarTable = require('./CalendarTable.js');
const StopTimesTable = require('./StopTimesTable.js');
const HolidayTable = require('./HolidayTable.js');

// ==== QUERY FUNCTIONS ==== //

 * Get the Trip (with Route, Service and StopTimes) specified by
 * the Trip ID from the passed database
 * @param {RightTrackDB} db The Right Track DB to query
 * @param {string} id Trip ID
 * @param {int} date The date (yyyymmdd) that the Trip operates on
 * @param {function} callback Callback function
 * @param {Error} callback.error Database Query Error
 * @param {Trip} [callback.trip] The selected Trip
let getTrip = function(db, id, date, callback) {

  // Check cache for trip
  let cacheKey = db.id + "-" + id + "-" + date;
  let cache = cache_tripsById.get(cacheKey);
  if ( cache !== null ) {
    return callback(null, cache);

  // Build the select statement
  let select = "SELECT " +
    "gtfs_trips.trip_id, trip_short_name, wheelchair_accessible, service_id, trip_headsign, block_id, shape_id, peak, " +
    "gtfs_directions.direction_id, description, " +
    "gtfs_routes.route_id, route_short_name, route_long_name, route_desc, route_type, route_url, route_color, route_text_color, " +
    "gtfs_agency.agency_id, agency_name, agency_url, agency_timezone, agency_lang, agency_phone, agency_fare_url, " +
    "gtfs_stop_times.arrival_time, arrival_time_seconds, departure_time, departure_time_seconds, stop_sequence, pickup_type, drop_off_type, stop_headsign, shape_dist_traveled, timepoint, " +
    "gtfs_stops.stop_id, stop_name, stop_lat, stop_lon, stop_url, wheelchair_boarding, " +
    "rt_stops_extra.display_name, status_id, transfer_weight " +
    "FROM gtfs_trips " +
    "INNER JOIN gtfs_directions ON gtfs_trips.direction_id=gtfs_directions.direction_id " +
    "INNER JOIN gtfs_routes ON gtfs_trips.route_id=gtfs_routes.route_id " +
    "INNER JOIN gtfs_agency ON gtfs_routes.agency_id=gtfs_agency.agency_id " +
    "INNER JOIN gtfs_stop_times ON gtfs_trips.trip_id=gtfs_stop_times.trip_id " +
    "INNER JOIN gtfs_stops ON gtfs_stop_times.stop_id=gtfs_stops.stop_id " +
    "INNER JOIN rt_stops_extra ON gtfs_stops.stop_id=rt_stops_extra.stop_id " +
    "WHERE gtfs_trips.trip_id='" + id + "';";

  // Query the database
  db.select(select, function(err, results) {

    // Database Query Error
    if ( err ) {
      return callback(
        new Error('Could not get Trip from database')

    // No Trip Found
    if ( results.length === 0 ) {
      return callback(null, undefined);

    // Get Agency and Route info from first row
    let row = results[0];

    // Build Agency
    let agency = new Agency(
        id: row.agency_id,
        lang: row.agency_lang,
        phone: row.agency_phone,
        fare_url: row.agency_fare_url

    // Build Route
    let route = new Route(
        agency: agency,
        description: row.route_desc,
        url: row.route_url,
        color: row.route_color,
        textColor: row.route_text_color

    // Get Service from service id
    CalendarTable.getService(db, row.service_id, function(err, service) {

      // Database Query Error
      if ( err ) {
        return callback(err);

      // List of StopTimes
      let stopTimes = [];

      // Get StopTimes
      for ( let i = 0; i < results.length; i++ ) {
        let row = results[i];

        // Use display name for stop name, if present
        let stop_name = row.stop_name;
        if ( row.display_name !== undefined && row.display_name !== null && row.display_name !== "" ) {
          stop_name = row.display_name;

        // Get zone_id from rt_stops_extra if not defined if gtfs_stops
        let zone_id = row.gtfs_zone_id;
        if ( zone_id === null || zone_id === undefined ) {
          zone_id = row.rt_zone_id;

        // Build Stop
        let stop = new Stop(
            code: row.stop_code,
            description: row.stop_desc,
            zoneId: zone_id,
            url: row.stop_url,
            locationType: row.location_type,
            parentStation: row.parent_station,
            timezone: row.stop_timezone,
            wheelchairBoarding: row.wheelchair_boarding,
            statusId: row.status_id,
            transferWeight: row.transfer_weight

        // Add day to date for 24+ hr time
        let stopTimeDate = date;
        if ( row.arrival_time_seconds >= 86400 ) {
          stopTimeDate = DateTime.createFromDate(date).deltaDays(1).getDateInt();

        // Build StopTime
        let stopTime = new StopTime(
            headsign: row.stop_headsign,
            pickupType: row.pickup_type,
            dropOffType: row.drop_off_type,
            shapeDistanceTraveled: row.shape_dist_traveled,
            timepoint: row.timepoint,
            date: date

        // Add stop time to list

      // Parse null wheelchair_accessible values
      if ( row.wheelchair_accessible === null ) {
        row.wheelchair_accessible = Trip.WHEELCHAIR_ACCESSIBLE_UNKNOWN;

      // Get Holiday For Date
      HolidayTable.getHoliday(db, date, function(err, holiday) {
        let holidayNoPeak = false;
        if ( !err && holiday && !holiday.peak ) {
          holidayNoPeak = true;

        // Determine Peak
        let peak = false;
        if ( row.peak === 1 ) {
          peak = true;
        else if ( row.peak === 2 ) {
          let dow = DateTime.createFromDate(date).getDateDOW();
          if ( dow !== "saturday" && dow !== "sunday" ) {
            peak = true;

        // Build Trip
        let trip = new Trip(
            headsign: row.trip_headsign,
            shortName: row.trip_short_name,
            directionId: row.direction_id,
            directionDescription: row.description,
            blockId: row.block_id,
            shapeId: row.shape_id,
            wheelchairAccessible: row.wheelchair_accessible,
            peak: peak && !holidayNoPeak

        // Add Trip to Cache
        cache_tripsById.put(cacheKey, trip);

        // Return trip with callback
        return callback(null, trip);





 * Get the Trip specified by the Trip short name that operates on the specified date
 * @param {RightTrackDB} db The Right Track DB to query
 * @param {string} shortName Trip short name
 * @param {int} date Date Integer (yyyymmdd)
 * @param {function} callback Callback function
 * @param {Error} callback.error Database Query Error
 * @param {Trip} [callback.trip] The selected Trip
function getTripByShortName(db, shortName, date, callback) {

  // Check Cache for Trip
  let cacheKey = db.id + "-" + shortName + "-" + date;
  let cache = cache_tripsByShortName.get(cacheKey);
  if ( cache !== null ) {
    return callback(null, cache);

  // Get effective service ids
  _buildEffectiveServiceIDString(db, date, function(err, serviceIdString) {
    if ( err ) {
      return callback(err);

    // Get Trip ID
    let select = "SELECT trip_id FROM gtfs_trips WHERE trip_short_name = '" +
      shortName + "' AND service_id IN " + serviceIdString + ";";

    // Query database
    db.get(select, function(err, result) {
      if ( err ) {
        return callback(err);

      // No Trip Found
      if ( result === undefined ) {
        return callback(null, undefined);

      // Get the Trip
      getTrip(db, result.trip_id, date, function(err, trip) {

        // Add Trip to Cache
        cache_tripsByShortName.put(cacheKey, trip);

        // Return Trip
        return callback(err, trip);





 * Find the Trip that leaves the specified origin Stop for the specified
 * destination Stop at the departure time specified by the DateTime
 * @param {RightTrackDB} db The Right Track DB to query
 * @param {string} originId Origin Stop ID
 * @param {string} destinationId Destination Stop ID
 * @param {DateTime} departure DateTime of trip departure
 * @param {function} callback Callback function
 * @param {Error} callback.error Database Query Error
 * @param {Trip} [callback.trip] The selected Trip
function getTripByDeparture(db, originId, destinationId, departure, callback) {

  // Check cache for trip
  let cacheKey = db.id + "-" + originId + "-" + destinationId + "-" + departure.getTimeSeconds() + "-" + departure.getDateInt();
  let cache = cache_tripsByDeparture.get(cacheKey);
  if ( cache !== null ) {
    return callback(null, cache);

  // Check to make sure both origin and destination have IDs set
  if ( originId === "" || originId === undefined ||
      destinationId === "" || destinationId === undefined ) {
    return callback(
      new Error('Could not get Trip, origin and/or destination id not set')

  _getTripByDeparture(db, originId, destinationId, departure, function(err, trip) {
    if ( err ) {
      return callback(err);

    // Trip Found...
    if ( trip !== undefined ) {
      cache_tripsByDeparture.put(cacheKey, trip);
      return callback(null, trip);

    let prev = DateTime.create(
      departure.getTimeSeconds() + 86400,

    _getTripByDeparture(db, originId, destinationId, prev, function(err, trip) {

      // Return results
      cache_tripsByDeparture.put(cacheKey, trip);
      return callback(err, trip);




 * Get the Trip that matches the origin, destination and departure information
 * @param {RightTrackDB} db The Right Track DB to query
 * @param {string} originId Origin Stop ID
 * @param {string} destinationId Destination Stop ID
 * @param {DateTime} departure Departure DateTime
 * @param {function} callback getTrip callback function(err, trip)
 * @private
function _getTripByDeparture(db, originId, destinationId, departure, callback) {

  // Get Effective Services for departure date
  _buildEffectiveServiceIDString(db, departure.getDateInt(), function(err, serviceIdString) {
    if ( err ) {
      return callback(err);

    // Find a matching trip
    _getMatchingTripId(db, originId, destinationId, departure, serviceIdString, function(err, tripId) {
      if ( err ) {
        return callback(err);

      // --> No matching trip found
      if ( tripId === undefined ) {
        return callback(null, undefined);

      // Build the matching trip...
      getTrip(db, tripId, departure.getDateInt(), function(err, trip) {
        if ( err ) {
          return callback(err);

        // --> Return the matching trip
        return callback(err, trip);





 * Build the Effective Service ID String for SELECT query
 * @param {RightTrackDB} db The Right Track DB to query
 * @param {int} date Date Integer (yyyymmdd)
 * @param {function} callback Callback function(err, serviceIdString)
 * @private
function _buildEffectiveServiceIDString(db, date, callback) {

  // Query the Calendar for effective services
  CalendarTable.getServicesEffective(db, date, function(err, services) {

    // Database Query Error
    if ( err ) {
      return callback(err);

    // Build Service ID String
    let serviceIds = [];
    for ( let i = 0; i < services.length; i++ ) {
    let serviceIdString = "('" + serviceIds.join("', '") + "')";

    // Return Service ID String
    return callback(null, serviceIdString);



 * Get the Trip ID of the trip matching the origin, destination, and departure information
 * @param {RightTrackDB} db The Right Track DB to query
 * @param {string} originId Origin Stop ID
 * @param {string} destinationId Destination Stop ID
 * @param {DateTime} departure DateTime of departure
 * @param {string} serviceIdString Effective Service ID string
 * @param {function} callback Callback function(err, tripId)
 * @private
function _getMatchingTripId(db, originId, destinationId, departure, serviceIdString, callback) {

  // Set counters and return trip id
  let count = 0;
  let done = 1;
  let rtn = undefined;

  // Find a matching trip in the gtfs_stop_times table
  let select = "SELECT trip_id FROM gtfs_trips " +
    "WHERE service_id IN " + serviceIdString + " " +
    "AND trip_id IN (" +
    "SELECT trip_id FROM gtfs_stop_times WHERE stop_id='" + destinationId + "' " +
    "AND trip_id IN (" +
    "SELECT trip_id FROM gtfs_stop_times " +
    "WHERE stop_id='" + originId + "' AND departure_time_seconds=" + departure.getTimeSeconds() +

  // Query the database
  db.select(select, function(err, results) {

    // Database Query Error
    if ( err ) {
      return callback(err);

    // No results found
    if ( results.length === 0 ) {
      return callback(null, undefined);

    // Find the best match
    done = results.length;
    for ( let j = 0; j < results.length; j++ ) {
      let row = results[j];

      // Get StopTimes for origin and destination
      StopTimesTable.getStopTimeByTripStop(db, row.trip_id, originId, departure.getDateInt(), function(orErr, originStopTime) {
        StopTimesTable.getStopTimeByTripStop(db, row.trip_id, destinationId, departure.getDateInt(), function(deErr, destinationStopTime) {

          // Check stop sequence
          // If origin comes before destination, use that trip
          if ( !orErr && !deErr && originStopTime.stopSequence <= destinationStopTime.stopSequence ) {

          // No match found
          else {




  // Return to the main callback once all queries are done
  // Use the first matching trip id to return
  function _finish(trip_id) {
    if ( !rtn && trip_id ) {
      rtn = trip_id;
    if ( count >= done ) {
      return callback(null, rtn);


 * Get all Trips effectively running on the specified date
 * @param {RightTrackDB} db The Right Track DB to query
 * @param {int} date Date in YYYYMMDD format
 * @param {Object} [opts] Query Options
 * @param {string} [opts.routeId] GTFS Route ID - get Trips that run on this Route
 * @param {string} [opts.stopId] GTFS Stop ID - get Trips that stop at this Stop
 * @param {function} callback Callback function
 * @param {Error} callback.error Database Query Error
 * @param {Trip[]} [callback.trips] List of Trips
function getTripsByDate(db, date, opts, callback) {

  // Parse Args
  if ( callback === undefined && typeof opts === 'function' ) {
    callback = opts;
    opts = {}

  // Check cache for trips
  let cacheKey = db.id + "-" + date + "-" + opts.routeId + "-" + opts.stopId;
  let cache = cache_tripsByDate.get(cacheKey);
  if ( cache !== null ) {
    return callback(null, cache);

  // List of Trips to return
  let rtn = [];

  // Counters
  let done = 0;
  let count = 0;

  // Get the Effective Service IDs
  _buildEffectiveServiceIDString(db, date, function(err, serviceIdString) {

    // Database Query Error
    if ( err ) {
      return callback(err);

    // Build Select Statement
    let select = "";

    // Get Trips By Stop
    if ( opts.stopId !== undefined ) {
      select = select + "SELECT trip_id FROM gtfs_stop_times WHERE stop_id='" + opts.stopId + "' AND trip_id IN (";

    // Get Trips By Date
    select = select + "SELECT DISTINCT trip_id FROM gtfs_trips WHERE service_id IN " + serviceIdString;

    // Filter By Route, if provided
    if ( opts.routeId !== undefined ) {
      select = select + " AND route_id='" + opts.routeId + "'";

    // Close Outer Select
    if ( opts.stopId !== undefined ) {
      select = select + ")";

    // Query the DB
    db.select(select, function(err, results) {

      // Database Query Error
      if ( err ) {
        return callback(err);

      // Set the counter
      count = results.length;

      // No Stops Found
      if ( results.length === 0 ) {

      // Build the Trips
      for ( let i = 0; i < results.length; i++ ) {
        getTrip(db, results[i].trip_id, date, function(err, trip) {

          // Database Query Error
          if ( err ) {
            return callback(err);

          // Add reference stop, if provided
          if ( opts.stopId ) {
            trip._referenceStopId = opts.stopId;

          // Add Trip to Result

          // Finish




   * Finish Parsing Trip
   * @private
  function _finish() {
    if ( count === 0 || done === count ) {
      return callback(null, rtn);


// ==== SETUP CACHES ==== //
let cache_tripsById = new cache.Cache();
let cache_tripsByShortName = new cache.Cache();
let cache_tripsByDeparture = new cache.Cache();
let cache_tripsByDate = new cache.Cache();

 * Clear the TripsTable caches
 * @private
function clearCache() {

// Export Functions
module.exports = {
  getTrip: getTrip,
  getTripByShortName: getTripByShortName,
  getTripByDeparture: getTripByDeparture,
  getTripsByDate: getTripsByDate,
  clearCache: clearCache