'use strict';

 * Trip Search Result Segment Class
 * @see {@link TripSearchResultSegment}
 * @module search/TripSearchResultSegment

 * Trip Search Result Segment
 * --------
 * This Class represents a single Trip Search Result Segment.  One or more of
 * these makes a {@link TripSearchResult|Trip Search Result}.
 * A Trip Search Result Segment is an individual Trip that a rider would take
 * on their way from their original Origin and Destination Stops.  A single
 * Segment may not necessarily contain either the original Origin or final
 * Destination Stops.
 * The 'Enter' and 'Exit' Stops are those where a rider will get on a Trip or
 * leave a Trip, respectively, on their way from their original Origin Stop
 * to their final Destination Stop.
 * **Module:** {@link module:search/TripSearchResultSegment|search/TripSearchResultSegment}
 * @class
 * @alias TripSearchResultSegment
class TripSearchResultSegment {

   * Create a new Trip Search Result Segment from the provided Trip
   * @param {Trip} trip The Trip that makes up this Segment
   * @param {Stop|string} enter The Stop or Stop ID where the Segment starts
   * @param {Stop|string} exit The Stop or Stop ID where the Segment ends
  constructor(trip, enter, exit) {

     * The Trip that makes up this Segment
     * @type {Trip}
    this.trip = trip;

     * The StopTime where the Segment starts
     * @type {StopTime}
    this.enter = trip.getStopTime(enter);

     * The StopTime where the Segment ends
     * @type {StopTime}
    this.exit = trip.getStopTime(exit);

     * The Trip Origin StopTime
     * @type {StopTime}
    this.origin = this.trip.stopTimes[0];

     * The Trip Destination StopTime
     * @type {StopTime}
    this.destination = this.trip.stopTimes[this.trip.stopTimes.length-1];

     * Travel Time (in minutes) on this Segment
     * @type {number}
    this.travelTime = (this.exit.arrival.toTimestamp() - this.enter.departure.toTimestamp())/60000;



module.exports = TripSearchResultSegment;