Long Island Rail Road

GitHub repo: right-track/right-track-agency-lirr

This module is an implementation of a RightTrackAgency used to add agency-specific configuration and functionality to various Right Track Projects.


This module provides the following agency-specific information:

  • Build Scripts for creating a Right Track Database for LIRR (using the right-track-db-build project)
  • The latest compiled Right Track Database for LIRR (located in the ./static/db directory)
  • Agency configuration properties to be used in various Right Track projects
  • The functions to generate a LIRR Station Feed for the right-track-server

NOTE: Archived schedule databases are no longer stored in the git repository due to their storage size. Archived LIRR
databases can be found in this shared Google Drive folder.


Documentation can be found in the /doc/ directory of this repository or online at https://docs.righttrack.io/right-track-agency-lirr.

Additional documentation about the RightTrackAgency class can be found in the right-track-core project and online at https://docs.righttrack.io/right-track-core.


On require the module will return a new instance of the Long Island Rail Road implementation of a RightTrackAgency Class.

To get the agency configuration properties:

const LIRR = require('right-track-agency-lirr');

// Optionally load an additional configuration file

// Get the merged configuration
let config = LIRR.getConfig();

To get the real-time StationFeed for Jamaica Station:

const core = require('right-track-core');
const RightTrackDB = require('right-track-db-sqlite3');
const LIRR = require('right-track-agency-lirr');

// Set up the Right Track DB for LIRR
let db = new RightTrackDB(LIRR);

// Get the Stop for Jamaica (id='15') by querying the RightTrackDB
core.query.stops.getStop(db, '15', function(err, stop) {

  // Load the StationFeed for Jamaica
  LIRR.loadFeed(db, stop, function(err, feed) {

    // Do something with the feed

